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Mnie cały czas dziwi fakt, że Google czy Microsoft przepuszczają reklamy które są typowym oszustwem. Za krytykowanie szczepionek potrafili zamykać kanały, a sami przepychają reklamy oszustw.

People being victims of various intolerances and superstitions are not necessary tolerant nor free of superstition.

A lot of stories teaches it is quite opposite. Most of people harmed by various others individua, are more probably not more open and tolerant than those who are guilty of the problem

For example, if several warm winters have occurred in a series, then the probability that the next winter would be also warm is increased— not decreased. Ignorance of this simple truth may have severe consequences for those who aspire to predict the future and those who believe their predictions. A didactic historical example is the failed prediction of Hitler’s meteorologist Franz Baur about the 1941-42 winter in Russia, which marked the Battle of Moscow. Quoting a fascinating paper by Neumann and Flohn (1987):

Baur was requested by the headquarters of the German Air Force to distribute his long-range forecasts to about 25 military offices. A forecast for winter 1941-42 was issued by him, probably at the end of October 1941, based on regional climatology and (supposed) sun-spot-climate relationships. The prediction called for a normal or a mild winter. Baur’s main justification for this rested with the assertion that never in climatic history did more than two severe winters occur in a row. Since both of the preceding two winters, 1939-40 and 1940-41, were severe in Europe, he did not expect that the forthcoming winter would also be severe.

However, that winter, in which the first major Soviet counteroffensive of the war was launched, turned out to be one of the coldest in record:

The cold outbreak of early December, coming after a cool to cold October and November […] gravely hit the German armies that were not appropriately clothed (Hitler expected to break the resistance of the USSR before the coming of winter) and which were not equipped with armaments, tanks, and motorized vehicles that could properly function even in a “normal” winter in the northern parts of the USSR, let alone in a winter as rigorous as that of 1941-42.
On or about 8 December, K. Diesing, chief of the CWG and scientific adviser to the chief of the Weather Service of the Air Force (General Spang), asked Flohn to listen in on a second earphone to a telephone call to Baur. In the call, Diesing cited to Baur the reports of very low temperatures in the East and asked him if he maintains his seasonal forecast in face of the reports. Baur’s response was “the observations must be wrong”.

Those who interact with deterministic modellers of today may recognize in the last phrase in quotation marks a pretty modern attitude.

Stochastics of Hydroclimatic Extremes A Cool Look at Risk

Third Edition

Author: Demetris Koutsoyiannis

School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens Language editor: Christos Barouxis ISBN: 978-618-85370-0-2 DOI:10.57713/kallipos-1 Copyright © Kallipos, 2023, 2022, 2021 (NTUA-Research Committee & HEAL-Link)

What would USA do if Russia would open nuclear bases in Mexico?

It looks like clever question. However was there anyone even trying opening nuclear bases in Ukraine? Ukraine just wanted to be Democratic country independent of Russia. It looks like for progressives it means the same ad nuclear bases in Mexico. Probably. It is a question only right? Who knows what it means?

But the point is. Suppose Russia did it. There are Russia forces at Mexico, near USA border.

Would you, accepted USA mass bombing of Mexican civilians and opern war on Mexico territory in such circumstances?

Trying to know from your arguments: yes! You feel so much compassion for Putin you are able to completely not only explain his actions, but even able to blame Ukraine – the victim. Yes! Asking that question effectively are playing that game which is at the center of progressive reasoning against your opponents for years: you are effectively blame the victim – Ukraine, for provoking Russia. Even more funny you dare to say it was not Democratic Ukraine aspirations but USA founded plot! As if Ukrainians could not decided it by themselves, if not years ago, then clearly now.

And you are playing this since years: Georgia, Chechenia, Crimea. Nobody could decided to join western political block, because ? What to name your feeling about western culture? Is it just hate?

Stop using this argument. No army or political choices of independent and Democratic country is explanation for aggression against it, together with crimes, murders, tortures and atrocities.

It only sounds cleaver, but in reality means nothing. It is a fake logic.

There is a nuance I would like to explain. It us important, because it is nearly nowhere correctly described, however well known and analyzed in Poland. A lot of political and military annalists address this issue, ad it was broadly discussed in Poland

Here it is the crucial information:

But the announcement Sunday by EU security chief Josep Borrell that fighter jets were also on their way appeared to be a game-changer for European military assistance. Borrell was forced to walk his pronouncement back somewhat by Monday, acknowledging that any transfers wouldn’t come from the EU itself, but would instead be donated “bilaterally” by individual EU countries.

It is important to notice it was troublesome for Poland. Here is a translation of interview for rmf24, news outlet in Poland, with Kumoch, Polish ministry affiliated to president Duda, responsible for defense matter:

There was also a question about the possibility of our country handing over fighters to Ukraine. The presidential minister noted that it was an idea of ​​the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell. He announced out of nowhere that the countries of Central and Eastern Europe were ready to hand over the old fighters to Ukraine. I evaluate this statement very negatively, a politician who performs such an important function should always be responsible for his words and not be guided by the twitt mentality. He calculated one thing, announced it, and then backed out of it, noted Kumoch. As he emphasized, Poland and all other governments are primarily responsible for the security of their citizens. Poland is in favor of helping Ukraine, but allied decisions require allied consent, he noted.,nId,5877721#crp_state=1

As far as we know, nobody from Poland made such statement before Borrell statement. I understand it does not means Polish government was not about making such operation. But even if so, hypothetical, it would be secret operation, nobody will know in advance. However it is not very probabke. This planes are core of Polish Air Forces still, and due to thread of Putin aggression against Poland, such effective disarment, for strengthening Ukraine seems to be strategic mistake, everyone know. What is more, at first statements Polish government said it is possible if donated planes would be replaced by NATO equipment, namely F16. So basically they knew Polish Army cannot afford such donation without weakening its strength

So Borrell if exposed real secret plan ( improbable, but hard to exclude) or just made a public lapsus, mistake ( probably due to some personal talks ), had put Poland in very hard diplomatic position in booth cases. What was more problematic, deny from USA was not initially as clear as it was 48 hours later.

Next Polish steps were calculated to mitigate this situation. Goverment don’t want to say no for some reason. We are not Germany, we want to help, and we are not in love with Putin. Remember it was a time Germany provided obstacles for any help for Ukrainie. Probably Polish government simply don’t want to be part of such cowardy actions. We are supporting Ukraine as possible. Strong and independent Ukraine is Polish strategic policy number one, since years! . We want Ukraine to succeed as Free, Democratic and Independent state.

But of course we were put in position we have to do something. So the answer was quite clever: Sure! Will do that – here they are, get them from the Ramstein.”

It was brilliant neutralization of thread, which ended whole operation in void.

I do not expect western media would pay attention to such nuances, but it seem to be cleverly played by Poland. And if course I find disappointing that after time, it is completely wrong described in western media, as if Borrell incompetence hiding was much important than Polish cold reasoning and clever action.

Source: probably Reuters.

I suppose it goes like that: Russia and Germany had a treaty about gas distribution exclusivity in Eastern Europe. It was strategic plan crafted and realized since 20 years, since chancellor Schroeder. Merkel was working on this as well using a radical green ecological propaganda for mongering fears about nuclear energy and doubt about gas availability due to politically controlled by Germany and EU, energy sources classification. Plan was for Germany to become major Russian gas hub and distributor across central Europe countries.

It was so advanced that NS2 certification before Ukrainian war was 2 weeks late? And according to new EU regulations, gas become ecological source *a month before in January?* EU Parliament allowed use of nuclear energy due to France position the same time.

It is broadly known Putin had a plans for 2 days war against Ukraine. Russians even had ready to be published writings about victory and Ukrainian Nazis government fleeing country. It is not so well known however Germany intelligence chief Bruno Kahl was surprisingly trapped in Kiev during war start:

You may of course explain this as a funny accident and effect of naivety or incompetence. But there is another, in my opinion better explanation. In my opinion Germany exactly knew Russia plans about Ukraine invasion, and as they cooperated with Russia, they expected after 2 days of hotel hiding, 3rd day Bruno Kahl would met with Russia installed Ukraine government to be first to secure lucrative contracts, influence and political relations. Maybe even promise moderation of Russia terror and political suppression by direct Germany chancellor contact a with Putin. And especially to secure gas pipes Jamal contracts to be controlled by Ukrainian collaborators in order to fully backup financial success of certified NS2.

It may look as just conspiracy theory. Probably it is. But in clear and elegant way it explains a lot: Bruno Kahl visit, Germany reluctance to any aid directed to Ukraine, blockade of weapon transportation before Russia invasion, not clear diplomatic messages and finely support for Russia oil and gas industry even at present. Remember NS2 is not abandoned. It is live and kicking. Only one single statement is absent: relation between NS2 and national Germany security. Which is clearly formal and political, and can be granted just in week depending on simple talks and written agreement with Russia.

If this is in any proximity to truth, further events are completely related. Scholz, chancellor of Germany, visit Israel few days ago. It is surprise for leader of thecountry so close to war, and so busy with EU and USA talks to visit so loosely related to conflict country. However Israel has excellent intelligence agencies and probably were able to secure direct talks with Russia representatives.

After a couple of hours later, prime minister of Israel Bennett met with Putin at Russia

You may of course believe NS2 was not even mentioned. Why it have to be?

According to Axios in real hysterical move Bennett, just after Scholtz talks, met with Putin. What was the content of this talks? We may suppose it was related to German chancellor visit in Israel. Remember: all it was done within 24 hours Bennett was Germany ( or rather NS2 consortium) messenger. And after that Bennett decided to take Zelensky advice, directly supporting NS2 consortium interests. However Zelensky has no counterintelligence services and shared this information. He is engaged in different kind if activity and probably thinking about different things. Do you know the letter to Great Order Sultan written by Kozak’s?

Read it here:

So the answer of Ukrainians for proposition of federalization of their country and maybe even partition of it was like that:

Bennett has emerged as a key mediator between Putin and Zelensky in the last two weeks. Israel has said it needs to remain neutral in the mediation, but the Ukrainian official told Axios that Bennett must present proposals and do more than act as a „mailbox” between the two sides.


Why such move of Israeli and Germany?

Putin strength is at decline. There is no certainty he will govern Russia within next 3 months. USA is constructing international agreements making business with Russia really risky. All it means there is very tight time window NS2 may be continued under assumption Ukraine will fall and Russia aggression will be legitimized by Germany and Israel as „big mistake Putin understand now, but want only security and peace as always did”.

Ns2 costs is about 100 billions, and as we learned a lot of Swedish public relations and spin doctors was hired to make it as Green as possible. Maybe even all fake Germany ecology is related to this single project.

I do not believe Germany will forget this money, and people working on this deal are still first range persons in Germany business, politics and banking.

So no. Putin is not crazy. He is just doing according to plan. However plan was hopefully not good enough

Dark City citizens

Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty and human choices. ~Philip Stott

I know he is a climate change denier, so he have different opinion than my own. It is no crime nor it not discredited him as a thinker. We can have different opinions and make mistakes.

I am not climate change denier. I know climate change is real physical phenomenon. I said: I know. Not: „I believe”. What I know is true, not belief. ( Do you know or believe? When spoking with friends what words do you using? Why?)

But he is right in the sentence above, and he is right in two way meaning.

  • climate change is prominent cultural phenomenon, and as a narrative exists in public space completely disconnected from scientific, professional debate. It is like story about JFK assassination or Area 51 alien invasion. Facts do not matter, and nearly nobody in public is reading scientific papers, or even IPCC repots. Greta memes are enough, because in public, is not scientific phenomenon. Climate change as cultural phenomenon is degraded to apocalyptic cult. Anyone having nuanced opinion about it, is nonbeliever and enemy. It is a thought crime, and atheism is punished (as in Islam fundamentalism by, public, death).
  • climate change is used against liberties and for financial exploitation of societies. This is not related to climate change itself. It is just bussines strategy, like teleevangelism is not related to Christianity, even using Holly Bible as marketing tool. Oligarchy is specialized in money making from public spendings, and as any parasite is fucking good at it. If you have any culturally important phenomenon, you will find Elon Musk or Jeff Bezoes feeding at it. Christmas? Mercy? LGBT? Love? There is no single important human value you cannot make money on it. And there is ultimate thing: fear. Making money on fear is essential strategy, and money may be not enough. Political power is included in the game. So you want to amplify anything working for you, whenever you can, and by any means.

Climate change is the most exploited meme for making money. It is very, very hard to differentiate real ecology from ecologistic ideology built for profit by MAGFA(a). But there is simple test ( I believe): opinion about nuclear energy and option about plastic in big pharma, fashion and cosmetics(b)

If you have your own opinion check it. Is it saying something about this things? If it is blind about fashion plastics pollution or you are deadly frightened about nuclear energy, your opinion may be your own or not. It depends on your attention to facts. Did you research this areas carefully enough? Or your opinions are based on media (anty)journalism? All we learn about reality consuming media streams. Your opinions may be your own. But it may be implanted by media as well. This is how it works. By building fear on things you do not understand, and by building blindness on things you should not consider. Nobody can escape it. New media ruled by MAGFA and old media ruled by Murdoch do not work for you being informed. At best they are trying to build your emotional state for immersing you kihe a Borg, at worse they manipulate you for profit of particular oligarchy group. Media are not your facts supplier, they feed you like a cows for making your brain working the way they wishes. You are product.

Everyone is in the same situation. Believing in Greta words does not make you smarter than believing in Philip Scott words. You are still following someone’s opinion.

Every woman should check their breasts, from time to time, to be sure cancer is not revolving in it. If you have opinion on something, especially strong emotional opinion, you should check from time yo time if it is really your, or it is just Greta gif implanted in your brain. When was last time you just go around and check facts? Not in TV or Google. At your garden and local store! Go outside, take a look by the window, and see real things,

(a) MAGFA = Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple – mass control and survivalence companies.

(b) ecologically most dangerous form of plastic is micro plastic Fashion industry is responsible for 90% of micriplastic pollution but there is even not a single voice for regulating it. Yes, your polar suit is far less ecological than any bottle it may be produced of ( even as it is a lie, you know it?). Cosmetics industry is nightmare of plastic packaging making non recyclable packages at mass scale. But it is very solid sponsor of adds and commercials for all media companies, and it is related mostly to women’s subculture so nobody really want to make any remarks here. It is just a part of common blind spot. Having blind spot may mean you are building your opinions on propaganda not on facts you can check. If you are not sure: go to grocery store and just check packagings of all cosmetic. Find single one made with glass

As Tesla is selling its shitty cars, it is profitable because of CO2 emissions market. Therefore we may think that basic business here, operations on CO2 emissions market is hidden goal of overall company operations. People may think it is quite typical, having various business goals, but is not so common strategy as in this particular and case. Goals are decisive when building strategy, so in company interest is high profitability of CO2 market, not electric vehicle market itself. You can imagine a lot of actions which are completely inconsistent here from single market strategy point of view. For example the price or quality of the car is related to company goals in much complex ways than in ordinary businesses working on car ( or even EV) market.

It is analogous to famous private media model of Chomsky who pointed out, that on mass media market, customers are companies buying advertisements and ordinary media consumers are products sell to it. Opposite people usually think of. It may look innocent, but the whole surveillance capitalism is a consequence of this simple observation. What is even more dangerous for the public, and specially for democratic society, private media are not unbiased player of the messaging market, even if hard working on such labels via many PR and marketing campaigns. They are actively playing to hid his relationships with advertising customers. Consequences are enormous starting from simple fact, that they always are welcome to government critique ( it costs nothing, gives consumers attention) while very distanced if critiques are about private brands ( risk area, law responsibility, possible advertisements customers loss). The whole neoliberalism political success is based on the last observation.

This pattern – official business facade different from real business goals are common. Notice however it is completely different than just laying about his goals or hiding some information about company. Nicotine companies years ago works on PR campaigns for nicotine-cancer related denials. But it was kind of defence of cancerous products. Not hidden business goal itself. They was liars, but different kind that companies I am describing here.

Present global market is complex. It is quite sure for me we cannot recognize a lot of such situations or connections. However if you see suspicious mass media engagement, working synchronized it is not accident.  It works on whatever you can think of – starting from global warming transformation and ending on black lives matter movement. Remember Saddam mass destruction weapons? Remember campaigns related to ACTA? You may be sure two things: media are not your friend, nor support this ideas as well. They are working on profit. This profit is related to sponsoring. Not to your interests or attention. Even when they amplify something good, it is because it is in particular interest of someone. Media, traditional nor social, are not working for public good. It is dangerous delusion.

Media has customers, who requests it, so media follows. Their customers may be two kind of companies.

First we can have business really working on advertised markets itself. Take for example company working on wind turbines markets. It is obvious building global warming catastrophe hype is profitable for it. So it is lobbying for media content in agreement with its business goals. In particular scenarios it even can be in agreement with society well-being. It mostly depends on what degree of fake news it is supporting, or how aggressive business strategy is pushed. Extremes always depends on lies and never are good for society.  In this category we may safely put fossil fuels companies, working on black PR for upcoming energy and transport transformation. Sure. It is a war against change from their side. We are living in fake news times. Kind of digital matrix. Old saying is: at war truth is the first victim.

With fossil fuel industry it is simple. You know who can manipulate global media and governments. Who can afford such big costs of global PR campaigns. Name all the global players of top 100 stock market related to oil, and you won’t be far from truth.

Do you know any global market tycoon working on wind turbines, who can influence global mass media market? It should be company or private person from top20 stock market companies. Something like BP or Shell of wind turbines. You know this company’s name, and it is probably behind wind turbines support in mass media. Do you know company like this? Or media are in found of wind turbines because wind turbines are good? It could be first time ever having good intention for media…

Second we can have business with hidden agendas. And there things became really interesting. They can work for public attention making particular connections to well received ideas, while at the background hidden can have completely evil goals. Take for example Google or Facebook. It may look innocent, working on diversity, public information sharing and making cultural resources accessible for everyone. It won’t be evil, sure? This was catchy 20 years ago. Today we know they build one of the most toxic environment for sharing fake news, aggressive ideas and invading our privacy.

What they can do for public opinion to hid his goals even better? Of course: name everyone pointing such possibility as conspiracy theorist. Who would hear someone babbling about Google or Amazon working on spying devices installed in every homes? Pathetic cranks and idiots. They was. Remember?

Above you could read something general, and probably obvious. Maybe it is just something you can agreed with. Later is something which may bother or offend you. Please read it open-minded. I am not saying it is a truth. In fact it is just fantasy. Idea I crafted for making artificial illustration for real problem. Problem of hype and polarized media content. Polarized, means working not on truth, but on propaganda for one or another side. Ask: who is taking our, ordinary people, side?

Suppose you have an idea. You want to buy the whole area of Nebraska. Or 70% of France. How to do it? Direct strategy may not work as a lot of people will became sceptical if you start operation officially. Complaints would be political, social and environmental. And you may be certain government will regulate such operation much more before you will be close to 50% og of your goal. But there is a method. Advertise as environmental friendly company working on solar energy. And amplify global warming catastrophe as much as you can. You will not only get a chance to realize your goal! You will get additional financing! And a lot of sympathy from innocent people. Does it mean solar energetic is wrong? Certainly not. But solar energy is not your goal The ownership of the land is. It is hidden operation. Maybe even you’ve corrupted government already, you can afford it if you are rich enough, but you have to corrupt public as well.. Do you think it cannot happen? Are there regulations making it impossible in your country laws? Is anybody sharing public with according information about this process?

And please remember: it is one possibility only. Fancy one. You and me have limited knowledge and imagination. It is easy to spot at wrong doing guys like fossil fuels industry. But who we trust instead of them? Remember: angels working on „climate change and green evolution” are businesses. Just like fossil fuels industry.

Covid19. Ludzie chorują. Nadal czekamy na szczepionkę. Nie będzie skuteczna, tak samo jak nie są skuteczne szczepionki przeciwko grypie. Covid19 to nowe ciśnienie ewolucyjne. Rak to działa. Dobra wiadomość jest taka że ludzkość przetrwa i za 300 lat będziemy przechodzić Covid19 jak dziś przechodzimy przeziębienie. Co będzie się działo między rokiem 2020 a 2320?

Nie nastąpi koniec historii i nie będzie 300 letniego lockdawn. Jeśli jeszcze teraz cis z tym robimy, za 6 miesięcy nie będziemy już robić nic. Nie starczy nam pieniędzy, woli i wytrwałości.

Czy to pesymistyczne? Nie. Świat nabrał sporo dobrych cech. Więcej czasu spędzamy z bliskimi. Więcej czasu mamy dla siebie. Co prawda ostanie kilka miesięcy dla wielu ludzi było czasem oczekiwania na karnawał. Nie będzie karnawału. Ale konwulsje miną. Narkomani lub alkoholicy tak mają. Uzależnienia kończą się w bólach ale można żyć bez mistycznych wizyt w galeriach handlowych. Po prostu trzeba znaleźć sobie hobby. Wypełnić życie jakaś treścią, w miejsce zakupów. Albo czytać książki.

Mamy niedokończone możliwości związane z internetem. Możemy wyjść do lasu parku czy ogrodu.

Świat się nie kończy
Kończy się konsumpcja jaką znamy, zaczyna się inna. Od nas zależy czy będzie lepsza czy równie płytka jak poprzedni nałóg.

To co groźne, to polityka. Dla wszystkich już chyba jest jasne że neoliberalizm, z jego optymalizacja zysków bez względu na koszty, koszty zawsze są publiczne, a zyski prywatne, nie jest ani efektywny ani nie rozwiązuje żadnych problemów. Widać wyraźnie jak niewiele mądrości jest w przestrzeni publicznej, ale przecież nie jest tak że nie ma jej wcale. Na pewno nie znajdziesz mądrości w świecie pieniądza i w mediach. Eksperci zawiedli. Tylko na nich możemy liczyć. Taki paradox.

Idzie nowe. Covid19 będzie z nami na stałe. Popatrz co jest ważne w życiu i nie czekaj na koniec pandemii. Znajdź więcej siebie. Zakupy nie s az tak ważne. Domowa pizza może być lepsza. Na spacer możesz wyjść, a drzewa są nadal piękne. Kochaj już dziś.

A Jezus udał się na Górę Oliwną.
I znowu rano zjawił się w świątyni, a cały lud przyszedł do niego; i usiadłszy, uczył ich.
Potem uczeni w Piśmie i faryzeusze przyprowadzili kobietę przyłapaną na cudzołóstwie, postawili ją pośrodku i rzekli do niego: Nauczycielu, tę oto kobietę przyłapano na jawnym cudzołóstwie.
A Mojżesz w zakonie kazał nam takie kamienować.
Ty zaś co mówisz? A to mówili, kusząc go, by mieć powód do oskarżenia go.
A Jezus, schyliwszy się, pisał palcem po ziemi.

A gdy go nie przestawali pytać, podniósł się i rzekł do nich: Kto z was jest bez grzechu, niech pierwszy rzuci na nią kamieniem.

I znowu schyliwszy się, pisał po ziemi.
A gdy oni to usłyszeli i sumienie ich ruszyło, wychodzili jeden za drugim, poczynając od najstarszych, i pozostał Chrystus sam i owa kobieta pośrodku oraz grupa turystów z dalekiego kraju na północy. Byli to zaś urzędnicy wyższego szczebla i sędziowie znaczący i posiadający władze i decydujący za wielu. Podróż zaś była uroczystą z powodu kolejnego ślubu jednego z tych ludzi.
Ci zaś słysząc co Chrystus rzekł, wzięli do ręki kamienie, po kilka każdy ile tylko mogli i zaczęli rzucać je w stronę kobiety i ją zabili.

Widząc to Chrystus w zdumieniu rzekł do nich: coście uczynili, krew ta na was i dzieci wasze! Czemuście nieszczęśni zabili tą kobietę!

Oni zaś popatrzyli po sobie i w wielkim zdziwieniu rzekli mu: przecież sam nakazałeś nam rzucać kamieniami!

On zaś spojrzał na nich przelękły i odparł: czyż nie mówiłem że tylko jeśli ktoś jest bez winy miałby do tego prawo?

A oni rzekli mu: i tak dokładnie jest, jesteśmy bowiem wierzącymi katolikami, przestrzegamy przykazań, chodzimy do kościoła, znamy biskupów, a niektórzy z nas mają już po dwa śluby kościelne bo tak bardzo szanujemy twoje słowa. A nawet i teraz, sam żeś kazał przecież rzucać tymi kamieniami…

I Chrystus wzniósł wtedy twarz ku niebu i zakrzyknął wielkim głosem: Ojcze, czemuś mi to uczynił…

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